Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Day of School!

Tuesday was Jack's first day of school! He was SO excited! When we got there, he jumped right in and had a great time! This is Jack opening his Joy School window (on the Joy School house that I made)... And he got a birthday crown... Gracie was totally interested in Joy School... Since she's still too little, we hit the toddler bootcamp at the library - and she had a blast. At one point, we walked in a circle (like she had just seen Jack do) and when the music stopped she signed for more... Right now they are learning about the body. So on day two, they got to make their very own gingerbread man. Now, I know it doesn't look like much, but seriously, he's a genius! They were encouraged to make eyes and a mouth, but, as you can clearly see, he added ears and a sweater! I was really, really proud! :)

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