Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Big Seven Year Old

Jeez Jack! Slow down - you are growing much too quickly. I know that I always say that but sometimes I turn around and I can't believe how big and mature and helpful and smart you are. It's amazing. There's so much to say about you as a seven year old and so much that I want to remember about this year, but I'm going to give myself permission to forget some of it. If I don't, I'll never write this and then I'll forget a whole lot more.

Yesterday you lost your top front tooth. It's been loose forever and you've been working on it and working on it. You went to bed sometime around 9 (we're on vacation) and you came out every half hour to show us your progress. Finally at 10:30 you had success! And now you have a big toothless grin making it so hard to talk and chew without spitting. Of course the tooth fairy visited and you were beyond excited this morning. 

Right now, you love Ninjago, Star Wars, legos of all sorts and exploring. You are playing soccer and still taking swimming lessons. You have so much fun setting up your toys for battles, building forts with your sisters and telling stories. But mostly you have fun. You're always ready for a good time, you love to play just about anything and everything.

You totally idolize your daddy and I love to hear you repeat his sayings and wonder what he would do at a particular moment. Sometimes you're pretty sure that I'm wrong about something and you decide to check with him on it. I can't tell you, but that even makes me happy. I love that you trust him and see how much he knows and how wonderful he is and want to be just like him.  But the other day, when you repeated one of his sayings (that he says sarcastically and in the most loving manner) and you, my son, asked me "what's for dinner, woman?"  Well, I just had to put you back in your place and that place was time out and it was a looonnngg one. Thank you for reminding us that you're listening and that you don't quite get why things are appropriate for some people and not others. But my favorite part of the whole story is that when your and daddy were alone, you called him out on it. "Thanks dad, you totally got me in trouble." You're too funny Jack and you'll start to understand it all pretty soon.

Over the summer, we watched some kids and it was so interesting to see you interact with them. I love the way that you crave someone to talk to, but you also crave time to be alone. You were so great about dividing your time, explaining it to them when you were going to have your alone time. I also think it's funny when you aren't sure that you want guests because it's a lot of work to clean up after them. Hopefully someday, you'll enjoy the company more than you'll worry about cleaning up.

This summer we have spent a lot of time at the beach and grama and grampa got you a boogie board. You love it. I love how much success you've experienced on it. I love how brave you are on it and how much fun you have in the water. You started out the summer playing in the crashing waves, moved up to diving into the two to three foot surf and now you're boogie boarding like a pro. You've gotten so strong and you are a good judge of the water. You would go out way too far if I let you and though I think you could manage, I don't think I'm ready for that yet.

This year while you were six, we went to Grama's time share, we went to the reunion, you started and finished kindergarten, you mastered the monkey bars, you helped me tons and tons with your sisters and you've grown so much. I can't wait to see what the next year holds, but don't grow too quickly. ;)

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