Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sixteen Months

My baby is sixteen months! And boy is she a hoot! Gracie is signing away... water and eat are her new signs, but more and all done are her regulars. She giggles and giggles, sings, dances, twirls and dresses up. Check out the boots! She says "cheese" for the camera (or phone in this case)... And she even poses... Yikes! I think we're in trouble! Posing and dressing up for the camera are just a few of the problems. She's also a climber! She can climb on and off the couch, onto the kitchen table and even onto Jack's bed (which is pretty high). She regularly moves the steps to where ever she may need them! Such a smart cookie! And speaking of cookies - this girl has a major sweet tooth! Anything sweet and she's all over it... oh and don't forget fried food and carbs. She's got a taste for the bad stuff! She's starting to have fun playing with the kids at the park and really is noticing that they are there. She has a couple of "mommies" who love to pick her up and carry her around and she loves it. She also loves to color. If there is a writing utensil of any sort, Gracie wants to color - even if there isn't any paper! She still loves her big brother and emptying drawers and cupboards. Her newest thing is singing. I catch her all the time singing a little tune and she'll hum herself off to sleep. Right now she's in the process of getting her two top molars and two bottom fang teeth - it's really putting a damper in her sleeping schedule, but she quite a happy kid. She loves to play trains and cars with Jack ~ vroom, vroom and choo choo are two of her favorite "words." Just today she flew Barbie around with Buzz Lightyear making some sort of flying moves. Right now, I'd have to say that her trade mark phrase is "where'd-it-go" and then she puts her arms up like people do when asking questions. It is the cutest little thing! She does it for everything - if Jack walks out of the room, something goes missing or when she is initiating the game. She's all too cute!

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