Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Day of School - WHAT?

So I was looking back and noticed that I didn't post anything about his first day of school. I guess I really am in denial! How sad! His first day of school went really well. We went really early because they had a PTO meeting and I wanted to attend. Jack played outside with Papa and after the meeting, we had more time to go to the park...

Then it was finally time for school. Err, at least it was time for pictures.

We had gone the day before to meet his teacher and learn about all of the rules. So he knew were to put his back pack and lunch and where his seat was.

By the time it was time to go in, he was dying to get in there. He was so tired of waiting he'd been at school for two and a half hours because of the meeting.

He had a great time, but he was happy to see his baby Maggie after school. He totally missed her.

There were no tears, from me or from him. But he's never been one to cry over things like that and I had my daddy to hold my hand. :) It's been really strange going places without him. I had just started getting used to counting three kids and there I was back to counting two. When he's gone it totally changes our dynamic. With Jack, Grace is outgoing and fun. She plays on her own and enjoys activities with other kids, especially with Jack. When his is gone, she is attached to my leg. At home she follows me around like she no longer knows how to play and when we're out it takes her an hour or two (if I make it that long) to let go of my leg. She is SO clingy. I think she may be having the hardest time adjusting to Jack starting school. I never would have predicted this change.

The first week of school he loved it. The second week of school he wanted to go back to Joy School. And now he just complains about going every morning. It's an awkward time, 10:17, just enough time to leisurely get ready and start a really fun Star Wars battle and then it's time to go. But he's always hated transitions. He loves to be somewhere, anywhere, but hates to go. He's made lots of friends. It's so cute to take him in the morning and all of his friends call out to him. I love watching them play and interact. Then when we pick him up, they're all yelling good bye. Dillon, by far, is his favorite so far, but he also enjoys the other boys. Jeremey got a nice taste of his popularity at their 10 year anniversary festival. All kinds of kids we're stopping to say hi to him. We'd ask him "who's that?" and 9 times out of 10 he'd say he didn't know. "He's an early bird" or "she's in Mrs. Sink's class," but they all knew his name. Too funny, it took him a while just to learn the kids he shares a table with, odd what he finds important.

His ability and interest in drawing has dramatically changed in his first 50 days. He was never one to just sit and draw. Getting him to do it for Joy School was nearly impossible, but he loves it now. I had to have Jeremey bring scrap paper home from work because he was going through so much. He is also totally obsessed with sounding out words. He says them s  l  o  w  l  y and tries to guess which letters he hears. He's also doing a lot of "reading."  When we worked on reading a year ago, it was like pulling teeth. I'm not sure what the difference is, time or school, but now he's totally into it. Just the other day he came home drew me a picture and wrote "I like mom" all by him self - no help at all and all spelled correctly. Amazing.

Well that's it for now.

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