Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rough Day

Poor guy... Last Tuesday (7/1/08) we had a really long day. We started out the day at the car place, finding out about how to replace the tailgate. Then I dropped Jack and Grace off at the Hunsberger's where I left them with Ashley so that Lauren could bring me back from Auto Care Plus. This was the first time that I left Grace with anyone and boy was mom mad... Any who, they were just fine and when I got back, we ate some lunch. Then we went swimming. Jack was in the pool FOREVER. It was definitely more than two hours. When he finally got out, he was walking around the pool and miss judged a step. He fell in. He freaked out (although not as bad as I would have expected). Mr. H quickly had him watering the yard. Jack cried for less than 5 minutes and kept saying "momma got me, momma got me." That's our thing, it's more important to him than saying I love you. It's because of the book "Runaway Bunny," everywhere the bunny tries to hide, the momma "gets him." He loves that. Oh and I was nursing when this happened, so yep - when I got him my boob went flying out... poor Doug, Evan, Alec and Mr. H... After swimming we went to the library with Jamie and Aiden. Jack thinks that the library is school because when he asks to play with Aiden, I tell him that Aiden is at school. So, since he sees Aiden at the library, it must be school. After story time, they ran around the fountain during the running, Jack crashed. Blood was everywhere... I took him to the car and cleaned him up, it was just a fat lip and a scratch on the nose... They played some more and then Jack stopped and looked down at the ground and started crying. "I pee ground, I pee ground." I tried to reassure him, but he wouldn't have it. Jamie and Aiden left and I got him to the car. I was telling him that it's okay, accidents happen, no big deal... And he sobs "but I pooped!" So he pooped in addition to pee. Poor guy, he felt SO terrible. I think it was because he was so exhausted. He didn't have a nap and he was in the pool for SO long.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

oh no! that is a really rough day, poor guy! sounds like you guys are busy though and having fun!