Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Integrity, integrity where art thou?

A while back our tailgate was stolen. A couple of days before, I unlocked it. At the time, I was a little frustrated... trying to get two kids and a stroller into the truck and I couldn't figure out why on earth they make locks on tailgates and why my husband would use it. But yes, now I know. Please don't rub that part in. We got a check from the insurance company and started to get it all fixed but found out that the estimate had a used part. Well we had called and searched online, but hadn't found one, so we ordered a new one (well over $1,000 by the time it's painted). So we called the place that the insurance appraiser had found the tailgate. They still had it AND we were going to save a lot of money since it was the same color as our truck and only $450. I went to Oneway Auto in Alhambra (LA) and bought it. The guys were super nice and even put it on for me. The only problem was that there was a scratch on it. Before they had said it was in excellent condition. So James (yes we're on a first name basis) gave me $50 off. Great! The scratch isn't that bad... So I went to the car place to pay the return fees for the new tailgate that we had purchased and just for kicks, Jack tried my key in the lock. I thought that we were going to have to go to a locksmith to get a new key made. Well... well... well... guess who's key works in the lock? Yep, ours. So okay, that's weird. Jeremey called Toyota - there's a 1 in 4000 chance that the key would work (actually that was a few years back, the locks are even more unique on the 2007s)... And did we check the vin? The vin number is printed on the tailgate. So Jeremey went out to look... no vin on this tailgate, but you can see where it was scratched off. Holy cow! I just bought my own tailgate! I called James back and he refunded it all... Now we're just trying to figure out what to do next. Go through the insurance or the police...

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