Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jack's Big Star Wars Birthday

For quite a while now, Jack has been requesting a Star Wars Birthday Party.  I have to admit that I wasn't really happy about it because it's just not really cute.  But I'm glad we did it.  He totally had a blast. 

Each of his friends received a light saber... Daddy worked really hard on them and I think they were probably the best part of the party.  The kids loved them and Jack said that his favorite part of the party was playing Star Wars on the playground with the light sabers.  

I did get to do a little bit of decorating... 

And we got the customary family photo:

Most of the kids did not stop to eat their light saber dogs or Obi Wan Ka-bobs.  They just kept playing. In fact, I told Jack to bring his friends over to play the games and he just told me that they WERE playing a game!  How dare I tare them away to play pass the light saber?  ... They eventually came and it was cute. They divided themselves up by boys and girls. The boys' game went so quickly I missed a picture.

After that, it was time for a water balloon toss.  Luckily, the weather was perfect.  After a week of days well over 100 degrees, Jack's birthday was about 75. So perfect!  The water balloon toss was funny, because they're way too young to understand how to play, it only took two tosses for it to be over.  Then we moved on to the obstacle course.  This was the final stage of their "Jedi Training" and each kid received a medal for completing the course.  
Once they completed their training, it was time to defeat Darth Vader!
Then cake... Light Saber Cupcakes

Some of his best girls...
Then, as an added bonus, Aiden's Uncle Tyler came and the kids got to tour his car.  They LOVED it!

And then he opened presents... He was so excited. He kept saying "I can't believe it! I just can't believe it!" And now, for the last week, I just leave him alone and he plays and plays and plays.  I don't think he would sleep or eat if I didn't remind him. 
All in all, he had a great birthday. I think it was everything he ever dreamed of!

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