Thursday, March 4, 2010

Almost Two...

Oh my huggy-buggy! I'm so sorry that I'm so far behind! You are truly my second child... I'm not even sure how many months you are anymore (22 months)- I just tell people that you are almost two (while you scream NO!)... But how could anyone get mad at this face? You are too cute and I think maybe even a bit manipulative already. When you do something bad like hit your big brother, and then hug me, you really make me worry about our future. :) You are so funny in so many ways. I can't even count the number of times a day that you make me laugh. The other day I killed a bug in the bathroom. I was not dramatic about it in any way and I actually thought about what a good example I was setting for you. How you won't ever be afraid of silly things like bugs because you see me. Oh how I was wrong! I left that bug in the toilet to show your brother (because I knew he would think it was cool) and somehow at bath time, you started to think that bug was in the bathtub and for a whole week you threw a tantrum in the tub. You screamed "icky" and pointed at the water. The only way we got you to stop (since you really do have to take baths and you just can't get around that) is by letting you color in the tub. Because you see coloring or "lello" is one of your absolute favorite things to do. The act of drawing and every color that exists is currently "lello." In fact, you love coloring so much that you color on the table, on the couches, on the chairs and one time you even colored the floor with a sharpie (thank you magic eraser). This whole experience reminded me, once again, of how different girls are from boys and how you guys just come this way. Sometimes daddy and I really don't have anything to do with it. Speaking of being "all girl" - Baby you're not even two and you dress yourself! It's not always right, but you'll defend your choices. And the other day we were getting ready to go and I told you to go get your boots. I was just kidding since I still put your brother's shoes on, I really didn't expect you to do it. You left the room and when you came back, I jokingly asked you where your boots were (without even looking). You walked to me and pulled on my hand and stuck out your foot - that was wearing a boot - the right boot and the other foot was just right too. Thank you for reminding me not to underestimate you. And thank you for saving me some time every morning, because ever since you've been putting on your shoes. I don't think I'll ever buy you ones with ties. Oh, and sometimes, you even put my shoes on me (and on you of course). And those chips - they're your favorite, especially with salsa. You have such adult taste buds, there's no bland for you. Spaghetti, enchiladas, lasagna, casseroles anything on our plates is way better then a chicken nugget. But back to fashion, you even accessorize. You love to dance and you sing all the time. It's a really high pitched, whining song, but some how it's still cute. Like this one time, quite a while ago, you walked in circles around me and sang "I want nummies, I want nummies, I want nummies." Seriously you make me laugh so hard and love so much. Your words are amazing too. You're really starting to speak in complete sentences. "I want my dis" "I want my dat" are two of my favorites right now. You can say all kinds of words now, I really can't begin to list them, but it seems like there's a new one every day. One of the funniest things that you do is call for your friend Milan. You walk around the house before we leave somewhere yelling "Milan" and when we get to the park or wherever else you might see her, you yell for her the whole time. Which reminds me of your other latest sentence: "where are you?" Again, totally adorable, as is the way you say "yesh." And "nan nan" instead of nigh night... I could go on and on because your voice is so cute right now, in a way I hope it never changes. Every since January, you've been sleeping through the night. We had a talk about it and it took you two weeks, but you finally realized that I wasn't going to give in and now you are a perfect sleeper. Sometimes naps are another story, but all the fun we have and all the crazy things you do really tire you out sometimes. On this particular day, I couldn't get you to nap when I wanted you to and I didn't have time to try again. So you sang a song and rested your head on the ottoman and I saw you and I thought there's. no. way. And so I kept doing my thing and came back in and you were snoring and every few seconds your knees would buckle and you just kept sleeping. Here's to you my Gracie girl! Thanks for all of the fun and all of the laughs, I'm having so much fun watching you grow everyday. Love, Momma


Grama Colleen said...

I hope all of this is making you understand your brother:) Birth order is fascinating!

Kristi said...

So sweet, Lisa! Your family is so beautiful.

Lisa said...

Thank you Kristi!

And yes mom, I understand so much more. :)